Mathematics is considered as one of the toughest subject in the history of education, mostly people get bored from this subject but those who enjoy mathematics can become great mathematicians in future. History of mathematics is very old and long it is estimated that the earliest evidence found for the use of mathematics was in trading, land measurement, painting and weaving patterns and the recording of time. According to a report Ancient Greeks began the study of mathematics in its own right with Greek mathematics between 300 BC and 600 BC, Pythagoras a Greek mathematician is considered as the greatest mathematician of all time. Mathematicians have special respectful place in our world because they invented new theories of mathematics which are very helpful for us.
In this article we will tell you about the top mathematicians of all time, they were really great people an intense look into their lives will reveal that how fascinating people they were and the astounding work they contributed. So, we have made a list of top ten greatest mathematicians of all time.
Rank | Mathematicians | Country | Date of Birth | Date of Death |
1. | Leonhard Euler | Switzerland | 15 April, 1707 | 18 September, 1783 |
2. | Carl Friedrich Gauss | Germany | 30 April, 1777 | 23 February, 1855 |
3. | Bernhard Riemann | Germany | 17 September, 1826 | 20 July, 1866 |
4. | Euclid | Greek | Mid-4th century BC | Mid-3rd century BC |
5. | René Descartes | France | 31 March, 1596 | 11 February, 1650 |
6. | Alan Turing | United Kingdom | 23 June, 1912 | 7th June, 1954 |
7. | Isaac Newton | United Kingdom | 4th January, 1643 | 31 March, 1727 |
8. | Wilhelm Leibniz | Germany | 1st July, 1646 | 14 November, 1716 |
9. | Leonardo Pisano Blgollo | Italy | Mid of 1170–75 | Mid of 1240–50 |
10. | Pythagoras | Greece | 570 BC | 495 BC |
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